What does a maestro feel after the completion of his musical masterpiece? What thoughts race through his mind when the last big flourish of the conductor's baton signals the end of his rendition?
What does an author feel when his book - the one which he has toiled and sweat over for months together attains completion and appears on the bookshelves?
What does a director feel when a film which he has seen from its infantile state to the completed, is screened for the first time before his eyes?
Is there a sense of fulfillment or loss? Is there a sense of pleasure or grief?
Think about it...
When a book attains completion, when a musical piece is perfected, when a film is canned, the efforts of the creators are all condensed into one, final end product. There's no going back from what form it attains - all the memories, all the hours of labour - everything ends with completion.
I suppose whenever you create something, it is something you are fashioning out of your own mind, your thoughts, your hands - in short, that something is a part of your own soul. Maybe that is the joy of creation - to watch something that you conceived gather roots and shoot up into the sky - growing and flourishing.
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