Monday, June 23, 2008

Depression and Addiction: A Superficial Comment

The best thing about being depressed is that no one really cares if you are depressed or not until you do something so stupid that the world sits up and takes notice.
Just to make things clear: No! I am not depressed. It's just a passing thought I came across and somehow I seemed to remember it.

I had been suffering from withdrawal symptoms for the past two weeks. The reason: My notebook went into a coma, its power-on circuit apparently screwed. Now that I've got it back, let me tell you one thing....there's no better thing to get addicted to. :P

7 Responses:

Madhurjya (Banjo) Banerjee said...

I disagree. Even when you do something stupid, The world is too busy to stand up and take notice unless of course your are Paris Hilton.

Soumyadeep Ghosh said...

@banjo: Maybe the quote was meant for Paris Hilton after all...

Vineet Pandey said...

Remind me to introduce you to someone called Mr. Amey Parulekar on campus. :)

Unknown said...

Depression is a critical mental health condition that most frequently coexist with substance abuse disorders. Untreated depression can hinder the addiction recovery process and may lead to relapse. On the other hand, untreated addiction problem may also develop depression and consequently lead to relapse. Hence, this vicious cycle of depression and addiction needs to be understood thoroughly and it requires simultaneous treatment.

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Frau Simo said...

Soma addiction is among the most dangerous addictions that can develop. Attempting to withdraw from Soma addiction without medical support can result in seizure or other medical complications. Addiction treatments for soma are provided by many health organizations. These organizations include rehab centers, residential schools, boarding schools, holistic treatment centers and ranches.

Anonymous said...

Traditional addiction treatment is based primarily on drug treatments individualized counseling. Those who are anguish from compulsion addiction behavior often have chemical imbalances that make the healing procedure more complex. Often, these imbalances may be removed through superior diet plan, nutritional supplements and leading a hale and hearty lifestyle. Some of the more pioneering drug rehabs centers are now providing a biochemical restoration procedure to enhance the counseling portion of treatment.

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