Monday, September 15, 2008

Feeling Spent

BOSM is just over. Had a lot of fun live blogging during it at The response we got to the blog was so awesome that watching the matches became just another excuse to do live commentary from the sidelines.
Of course, while I just survived the time during BOSM riding on a wave of club enthu and a rush of adrenaline every time I felt like taking to the field myself, there was another more stark reality to address...the growing apathy I am starting to feel towards anything encroaching on my attempts at trying to make sense out of computer science (It's such a brilliant subject that I am feeling guilty for not spending hours at an end just assimilating it all in)...I guess it's reflecting on my neglect of this blog as well. It's painful to sit and compose posts when I have monthly editorials to vent all my frustrations out. :)

1 Responses (Leave a Comment):

ramya kumar said...

well having to write monthly editorials won't have an effect on your blog output, the schedules will...maybe i just believe that you want to write so much more than a 300 word sensibly stylized rant in a sleep-deprived deadline-induced delirium.